Agave VR
Sneak Peek at 11:30am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 1:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Algrahb (Alt Ctrl)*
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Sneak Peek at 10am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Alma (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Ambush! (TTS)
Sneak Peek at at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Anslem: An Interactive Experience
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Apollo: A Co Op Game Demo (Alumni)(Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Beat the beat up
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at
Before the dawn
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Beggar King
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Behind Shadows
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Beyond the Diorama: Caribou World (VR)
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Sneak Peek at 11:30am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 1:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Call My Name (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Chaos (VR)
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Come with me
Sneak Peek at 10am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Come with me (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 5pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Corporate Clash (Mobile)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Darts AR
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at
Dear Future (Alumni)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Detour Bus (VR)
Sneak Peek at 10am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Dragonflyte (Mobile)
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Dream Your Wings
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Dreamland Confectionery
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Fade Away
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Frick Frack
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Funny Biz (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Ghost Dog
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Guildings: Lawnhenge
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at
Hans Vs. the Remake (Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Heist (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Help! I am trapped in a dating SIM!
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Hostile Architecture (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Isolated Island
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Kungfu Cowboy (Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Larger than Light
Sneak Peek at 12:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Sneak Peek at 12:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Left on Read
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Liquidators (Alumni)
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Lofi hip hop worlds to study in
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Love at first draw (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Me, Morrie
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Metamorphosis: Thyota's Journey
Sneak Peek at 11:30am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 1:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Metamorphosis: Thyota's Journey (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Money Making Machine (TTS)
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
Moving (Mobile)
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Mystical (VR)
Sneak Peek at 11:30am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 1:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Mystical (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Neko's Busy Morning (Geidai)
Sneak Peek at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Next Reality
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Nine Lives (Geidai)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
No Escape
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Other Dimensions
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at
Our First Kiss (Alt Ctrl)
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm
Paz it On!
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Sneak Peek at 10am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Pelota (Multi) (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 6pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 7pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Reversal (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Rich People Simulator 2020
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Road Less Traveled (Geidai)
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm
Serpent Showdown (Alumni) (Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 4:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Shelter (Geidai) (Mobile) (Tent)
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Shopandemic! (Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Sokoban Fetch Quest
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 7pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
Spooky Speakeasy
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Sweeping the ruins
Sneak Peek at 12:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
The Call (Multiplayer)
Sneak Peek at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
The Fall
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
The timeless island
Sneak Peek at 3:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
USC Games Expo preview at 4:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesruby
The Trials of Snowshoe Thompson
Sneak Peek at 12:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgames
There you are
Sneak Peek at 10am
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm
There you are (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tc/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tc/uscgamesdiamond
The wicker
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesplatinum
Sneak Peek at 5:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 6:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesgold
We Surround You
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Wheelin' & Mealin' (Multi)
Sneak Peek at 10am on twitch.tv/uscgames
USC Games Expo preview at 12pm twitch.tv/uscgames
Wheelin' & Mealin' (Multi) (Encore)
Sneak Peek at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 7:00pm twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
Wild Honesty: A Party Game for deeper converstaions (Alumni)
Sneak Peek at 2:30pm on twitch.tv/uscgamesdiamond
USC Games Expo preview at 3:30pm
Wishy Washy
Sneak Peek at 5:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
USC Games Expo preview at 6:00pm on twitch.tv/uscgamescrystal
Worlds of Wonder
Sneak Peek at
USC Games Expo preview at